icebox - Documentation - Cygwin setup

Here are step-by-step instructions for setting up the Cygwin environment for icebox development. Cygwin is only required if you are using a Windows platform for development. Users of Linux, Mac OS X or other UNIX like operating systems will not need to install Cygwin.

Cygwin is available from You can either visit the Cygwin home page and install using the link found there, or just use the link provided here. Your Cygwin installation can be maintained using the same setup program that is used to install Cygwin. This setup program can be used to update, install and uninstall the various Cygwin components.

  1. Make a local copy of the Cygwin setup program.
    • Right click on the Install Cygwin now icon and choose to save the file to your local disk.
    • Name the file CygwinSetup.exe

  2. Double-click CygwinSetup.exe to start the installer.
  3. Navigate through the preliminary questions by using the NEXT button until you get to the screen where you select which packages are installed, skipped, upgraded or uninstalled.
  4. Click on the VIEW button to get a full view of all packages.
  5. Ensure that at least the following packages are selected (having additional packages selected is OK):
  6. Proceed with the Cygwin installation.
  7. Create a shortcut to F:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe on your desktop and call it "TAP shell" or something similar. Set the Target of the shortcut to this:
    F:\cygwin\bin\rxvt.exe -fn "Lucida Console-10" -sl 512 -tn xterm -e /usr/bin/bash --login -i
    If your system uses a different letter for the system drive, such as C:, or you installed Cygwin in a different location, you will need to change the path as appropriate. You can set the Target of a shortcut via right-click / Properties... / Shortcut tab
  8. Double-click on this new shortcut to get a Cygwin shell prompt in a window that is resizable and supports a decent scrollback buffer. You can also use your left mouse button to highlight text and middle mouse button to paste highlighted text.

    You should see something like this:
    username@computer ~
    $ _
    This is your shell prompt. It indicates your user name, the computer name and the current directory (~ means your home directory), the $ sign means that the shell is ready to accept input and _ is the cursor.